
Things You Need To Know Before Breast Augmentation In Thailand

Although breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic surgery in Thailand, it’s important that patients are aware of some consideration factors before finally getting a breast augmentation surgery in Thailand. Below are a few things you need to consider as recommended by at-pattaya:

Implant material
There are different materials such as silicone, saline, gummy bears and autologous fat. The saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater just like the saltwater in your blood and vessels. They are inserted into the body empty and then filled once they are properly in place. Silicone implants, on the other hand, feel and look more natural. For the autologous fat, you will need some fat injected into the chest. You may have to do some touch-ups to achieve a perfect breast size and shape.

Breast implants will need to be replaced with time
Although breast implants are meant to be permanent, they may fail at some point. As they age, they may rapture or ripple, so it is good to plan to review your breast implants in 8-10 years. It will also help in maintaining a perfect appearance.

Your final results are not what you see right after the procedure
With each surgical procedure, there is bound to be swelling and bruising. The days immediately after surgery cannot be a measure of the final results. Your body needs time to heal and it may take several weeks to completely heal. The breast implants will also require time to properly adjust to the right size.

Location of incision
Although a lot of women are able to breastfeed without a hitch after breast augmentation, the incision location may have an effect on your ability to do so. Doctors recommend that women have the incisions underneath the breast in the fold or at the axilla, instead of having one at the areola.

Breast augmentation does not fix sagging breasts
Increasing the size of your breasts can actually make them appear saggier. The right procedure for fixing sagging breasts is mastopexy or breast lift. Breast lifts usually involve tightening and getting rid of excess skin, repositioning the areolas and nipples where needed to achieve the perfect asymmetry.